
Showing posts from March, 2008

4000 US Dead

4000 by ~ davidbdr on deviant ART 4000 US soldiers  (officially) dead in GW Bush's pathological war for resources and a permanent foothold in the Middle East. 4000 is not nearly the monumental numbers of Iraqi dead but these deaths are just as needless.

"Iraq Invasion: 5 Years On" Cartoon

Iraq Invasion 5 Years by ~ davidbdr on deviant ART

The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm by ~ davidbdr on deviant ART The US economic crisis goes deeper and deeper every day.

Big F'n Deal!

Much is being made about various statements the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ has made in past sermons. The noisemakers are squawking because of the Reverend's relationship with Barack Obama. You know, the usual attacks using guilt by association. Obviously, if some one Obama knows makes "controversial" statements, he may as well have done it as well. I listened to Wright's messages as broadcast on the news and, truthfully, didn't find anything he said untrue. Just because white America chooses to bury it's collective head up it's ass, does not make those statements any less true. A sermon on the Sunday after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Wright preached that the United States brought the attacks itself. "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye," Wright said. "We have supported state terror...

Lewis Black: YESSSSSSSS!

Comedy Central finally came to their senses and has produced a show with my favorite satirist, comedian and all around pissed-off ranter. No one makes me lose it as often as Mr. Black. Maybe it's because I really feel like I can relate to what pisses him off. If you get Comedy Central channel, you must watch this show. It truly will help you maintain your sanity in the glorious final days of the Bush disaster.

New Poster

IDF Target Practice by ~ davidbdr on deviant ART Let's see how long it takes to be called an anti-Semite. This poster is my response to this article: Israeli Sniper Bullet Takes 12-Year-Old Girl's Life [link] A full size version (A3) is available here: [link]

Gaza: Oops They Did It Again

Gaza,Oops They Did Again by = No-More-Ignorance on deviant ART The good people in the group "No More Ignorance" have put together this PDF publication highlighting some of the current happenings in the assaults on Gaza: Artist's Comments *Israel has been using the heaviest missiles by F-16s. Some experts here estimate that there are one-ton weight of Israeli missiles.... * What happens in Gaza is not an aggression of bombardments by planes, but it is a war of elimination by its full meaning. Babies are being killed, civilians are being killed, and buildings are being destroyed.... Need to reed more?.. Please press Download to get our new PDF project about Gaza, or read it online at Gaza...Oops They did it Again ________________________ Done By NMI Teamwork.. ~lahandi----> Graphic Design and Layout. ~moudax----> Searching and Preparing. ~alshaimaa---> Searching and Preparing.   Fellow Artist Wake Up:lahandi by = No-More-Ignorance on deviant ART

A Message From Carlos Latuff Against Israeli Aggression

Mensagem do cartunista brasileiro Latuff, em português e árabe, ao povo palestino, por conta da agressão israelense contra Gaza/Message from Brazilian cartoonist Latuff , in Portuguese and Arabic, to the Palestinian people, regarding the Israeli aggression against Gaza.  A Rough English Translation, thanks to Tony ( Palestinian Pundit ), of what Carlos said… This message is to the Palestinian people in Gaza and the Palestinians everywhere. As you know, since 1999 I have been supporting the Palestinian struggle with my art, political cartoons and words. I constantly follow the news of your suffering and the slaughter inflicted on you by the Israelis. In spite of the distance between us I am always with you. I am sorry that the cartoons cannot stop the missiles. I do everything to raise my voice in your support. The Zionists have tried to silence this voice. I am with you completely. I am united with you and I suffer with you. The Palestinians are different from other people. You...

A Video YouTube Won't Let You See

Gaza_massacre_feb2008 Uploaded by sabbahblog   Apparently this video somehow violates YouTube's Terms Of Service . I find this amazing since there are plenty of NAZI and Neo-NAZI videos all over YouTube. According to Haitham Sabbah , creator of the video: "The reasons are obvious. This video got enormous number of visits within no time and the effect of it reflected on the supportive comments received by almost everyone watched it there. Zionist didn't like what they saw and decided to complain. They must have invented some reasons and asked YouTube to remove it, and because YouTube are so nice people, they removed it without hesitation! YouTube is another example of the "Zionist occupied territories". They are ready to do anything to destroy any successful work that expose their war crimes and holocaust against Palestinian people. But you know what, this is just another victory for us and it shows how fragile is our enemy." It saddens me that in the ...

My Poster Attempt

My poster is nowhere near the spectacular one produced by Carlos Latuff today ( link ). A hi-rez version of this poster is available here: link to large version .

Brilliant Poster By Carlos Latuff

Carlos Latuff, the widely admired cartoonist from Brazil, created this stunning poster today. It is sure to stir howls of anti-Semitism from Zionist thugs everywhere and  a lot of wailing about "Israel having the right to defend itself. Ignore that noise and support the right of Palestinians not to be slaughtered by an overwhelmingly superior military force. A word from Carlos: I'd like to beg all viewers to spread this image anywhere, as a way to expose Israeli war crimes against Palestinians. Use it on t-shirts, posters, banners. Reproduce it in zines, papers, magazines, and make it visible everywhere. Here is the high-resolution version for printing purposes: [link] Thank you in the name of every suffering Palestinian. Carlos Latuff