A Message From Carlos Latuff Against Israeli Aggression

Mensagem do cartunista brasileiro Latuff, em português e árabe, ao povo palestino, por conta da agressão israelense contra Gaza/Message from Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, in Portuguese and Arabic, to the Palestinian people, regarding the Israeli aggression against Gaza. 

A Rough English Translation, thanks to Tony (Palestinian Pundit), of what Carlos said…

This message is to the Palestinian people in Gaza and the Palestinians everywhere. As you know, since 1999 I have been supporting the Palestinian struggle with my art, political cartoons and words. I constantly follow the news of your suffering and the slaughter inflicted on you by the Israelis. In spite of the distance between us I am always with you. I am sorry that the cartoons cannot stop the missiles. I do everything to raise my voice in your support. The Zionists have tried to silence this voice. I am with you completely. I am united with you and I suffer with you. The Palestinians are different from other people. You can kill a Palestinian but you cannot make him kneel down. The Palestinian people are strong and will continue resisting. In the face of the total world silence about this latest ZioNAZI holocaust, the Palestinians keep on resisting. Victory will be with you, and you can always count on me for support in words and art. Thank you.

As posted on DesertPeace.


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