
Showing posts from December, 2006

Cartoon For December 16, 2006 People’s Weekly World

I see that whatever problem I was having with images here at Blogger has been corrected. After having spent the time setting up my blog over at my hosted site, I think I will continue using it. I hate the thought of using up my storage allotment for more images but I have come to enjoy using Blogdesk to post with. Microsoft has a new blog writer called " Live Writer " that is very nice, surprisingly but I like the drop shadow Blogdesk creates on images a little better. Live Writer works with Blogger but Blogger doesn't allow for uploading images through a system like this. If you just post text, it is a good idea. I've been noticing that I still have a lot of traffic to this blog but almost nothing at my new one. Please, if you are interested and find yourself here--click on through to:

New Blog Location

New posts will only be found at:

Everyday A Bigger Pain!

Blogger Beta has been acting very stupid lately. For some reason, pictures I upload do not appear in the posts. I give up trying to get all the Blogger problems solved. I've decided to install a Wordpress blog on my hosted site. I will from this post on be using my " Cartoons & Stuff Blog ." To publish this post, I had to save as "draft," reopen it and then publish. It seems that to make Blogger better, they are making it worse.

This Just In...

This Just In... Originally uploaded by davidbdr .

On The Celebration Of Fidel Castro's Birthday

Cartoon by my Cuban cartoonist friend, Tomy Speech by the Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, First Vice-President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, Army General, Raúl Castro Ruz, at the Political Ceremony, Military Review and March of the Combatant People in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Landing of the Granma Yacht and the Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, and in Celebration of the 80th Birthday of the Commander-in-Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz, Given on December 2nd, 2006, "Year of the Energy Revolution in Cuba". Comrades: Past, present and future combatants: We welcome good friends of the Cuban Revolution who have offered their essential support and solidarity over these last 50 years of prolonged battle for sovereignty and freedom. Among them I would like to mention the Guayasamín Foundation and the relatives of this great Ecuadorian friend and painter, who conceived this noble gesture of ...