Reawakening & Repurposing

I've decide to use this much neglected blog to post my new writing and drawings that will concentrate on my life struggles with mental health issues and Asperger’s Syndrome. I almost feel embarrassed revealing the Asperger thing since it is so trendy right now. It seems everyone claims that title these days for what ever reason. In my case, the symptomatology is overwhelming. I am just grateful to have the realization of what has caused my life difficulties and failures. At least now I can move forward while working on correcting those things that I have allowed myself to suffer. Unlike some, I don’t think of the disorder as some sort of badge of honor that I can wave in the air and proudly brag about as if it makes me more special than “normal” people or neurotypicals as Aspies like to call everyone else who doesn’t have the condition. No, I don’t feel special because I “think differently.” I have had to fight quite hard to force myself into forward motion to accompli...