Garrincha Cartoon Website





The fantastic cartoonist “Garrincha” (Gustavo Rodriguez) has opened a personal website to post his great cartoons. Gustavo is formerly from the country of Cuba and now, luckily for us United Statesers, resides in Miami Florida! He contributes cartoons to many websites and publications and is a featured cartoonist for the Miami El Nuevo Herald.

Gustavo also has a blog that is updated frequently with new works. His cartoons span the subjects of erotic humor, politics and comic strips. He is immensely talented and, more importantly, a great guy.

Cartoonist Martha Barragan did a wonderful interview with Gus



Garrincha said…
thanks a lot, my friend.
btw, i wish my table is as tidy as it shows in the picture.
i guess lis saw it was "organized" for a couple of minutes and took the pic.
David Baldinger said…
Hahaha, Gus! I know what you mean. My desk is in a perpetual state of chaos. No matter, I really liked the photo. Who should I credit for the image. Did your wife take it?
Garrincha said…
yes, she did.
she couldn't resist seeing the whole area so tidyand clean.
and that included me!
Garrincha said…
btw, i have to see about setting up links in my web site.
another tweak to take care of.
Servant said…
Dood you shaved. Now ya need a new logo! :D

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