Delphine Durand - Illustrator

Through the miracle of the Internet, I stumbled upon an absolutely wonderful illustrator from Paris, France. Her name is Delphine Durand. I am completely taken with the pure joy she seems to draw with. I don’t know if she attended an art school but her work conveys the feeling of someone NOT corrupted by professional education. Her art isn’t so slick and perfect that it becomes boring. A nice collection of her art can be found on her Flickr page as well as her blog. Her published books are, thankfully, available. I love collecting children's books so I will be adding as many of Delphine’s as possible.

Hopefully, I will learn a lot from Delphine’s art. I am compelled to travel into her fantasy landscapes.


humorleo said…
Es un honor para mi ,que un maestro como Ud. se coloque como seguidor de mi blog.Muchas gracias!!
humorleo said…
Es un honor para mi ,que un maestro como Ud. se coloque como seguidor de mi blog.Muchas gracias!!
humorleo said…
Es un honor para mi ,que un maestro como Ud. se coloque como seguidor de mi blog.Muchas gracias!!
David Baldinger said…
gracias por seguir mi blog. No he hecho mucho. Me complace añadir que mine.I no saben leer ni escribir español, así que debe utilizar Google traductor

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