Idiot Repugs Screech About Obama's Missing Flag

Apparently all the wing-nuts blogging throughout the secret basements complex of the Ministry Of Propaganda hoped that they had found another "swift boat" moment to use on Obama. These people are terrified of him for some reason (and I believe it really has to do with race) and are desperately trying to derail Obama's presidential chances. The vomiting out of hundreds of cut and past articles by these bloggers about Obama's supposed Leftist and Communist ties have been polluting the web for months. How about the whisper campaign that Obama is really a Muslim and the fist bump being a "terrorist" fist "jab". Just do a search since I really don't want to provide a link to anything these buffoons post. The latest non-scandal is that Obama's repainted Boeing 757 no longer sports the US flag on it's tail. His campaign logo has replaced it. This must be another example of Obama's lack of patriotism (fuck, I'm sick of hearing that ...