Pittsburgh Jazz Pianist, Walt Harper Passed Away

Walt Harper early 1990's by David Baldinger

The above photograph is a scan of an old photo I shot when Mr. Harper performed at the local community college. Unfortunately, I can't find my only print to do a rescan and I don't have possession of the negative.

I remember how pleasant he was to shoot that day. I am sorry to read that he passed away with a sudden heart attack. I'm sure Pittsburgh will miss you, Walt!

Here are two articles that relate better than I could a little about Walt Harper:

--A Life In Tune: Walt Harper Enjoys Holding On To "Satin Doll" from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette Dec. 21, 2003

--Local Jazz Legend Dies Of Heart Attack from WTAE TV News on Yahoo

Walt Harper And All That Jazz Official Website


Servant said…
You know you're getting old when you start paying attention the Obits, because you're seeing more and more of your contemporaries there.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls.

Look! A flock of turtles!

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