Palestine: Yet People Celebrate (Christmas 2010)

The Never Before Campaign About The Never Before Campaign seeks to mobilize support, raise awareness and correct misconceptions regarding the Palestinian Cause. Discussions on Palestine and the Palestinian cause have included attempts to link it to the struggle of South Africans under the apartheid regime, the struggle of the Vietnamese people, the Algerian revolution or other just causes throughout history. The conclusion, however, was that it cannot be compared to any. What happened in Palestine since 1947 has never happened before, in terms of the combination of the elements: brutality and racism of the occupier, the injustice of granting one peoples land to others, duration of this injustice, complicity and apathy of the civilized world as well as Palestinian people’s will to resist all that against all odds. Hence the term the Never-Before Campaign: Injustice that is unfolding like never before met with resistance and resilience, also like never before. The Never...